都柏林凶案 第一季国语版全集

惊悚片 英国 2019


时间:2024-04-25 00:29:01


《都柏林凶案 第一季国语版全集》影片故事情节,跌宕起伏,扣人心弦,是一部值得惊悚片迷们观看的绝佳影视作品。 In the summer of 2006, Rob Reilly (Killian Scott), a smart suited homicide detective and his partner Cassie (Sarah Greene) are dispatched to investigate a child’s murder and find a community caught between old and new Ireland. On an altar lies the body of a local teenage girl, precociously talented Katy Devlin (Amy Macken). Her body is found in the middle of an archeological site, threatened by local developers aiming to build a shiny new motorway. The neighbouring estate, Knocknaree, has never quite got its share of the ‘Celtic Tiger’ and has been blighted by poverty and unemployment for generations. Moreover, this is the not the first time a child of Knocknaree has been lost: 21 years earlier, in a very different Ireland, three children went missing and only one ever came back alive. Memory runs deep in this part of the world, and locals, press and the Dublin Police worry that the cases are linked.在茫然中,槐诗打开了盒子,便看到了一把有些年头的手枪——久经战阵的手枪之上遍布着划痕和战火的痕迹,可看得出,保养精良,每一个零件都在精心的维护和修复之下完美无缺。88800374影院免费提供,惊悚片《都柏林凶案 第一季国语版全集》全集在线观看服务。


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